How to access Vocareum

I’m getting started with the course “Generative AI for LLMs”. I now need to carry on with the first week ‘Lab’ but I’m kind of stuck at this point.

Could someone please share the process of getting Vocareum?

Thank you.


Welcome to the community!!

Check if this helps :

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

Dear Nilosree,

Thank you for your prompt response, but that answer didn’t help much as for some reasons, I don’t have/cannot locate the “Launch App” button.

Would you please provide me with other alternatives?
Thank you.
Kind regards,


You’re welcome!

Oh, I see!
Since I am not the GenAI mentor, I won’t be able to assist you where you don’t have the button itself.
A GenAI mentor will surely get back to you.

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

Hi Nilosree,

I managed to get into the platform (… at least, I think so).
I was missing the link below that enables loading the Lab folder.
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://dlai-generative-ai/labs/w1-549876/ ./

Thank you for your help!
Kind regards,

Is it possible to do the labs in your own AWS account and follow the instructions? Or is there data in the prebuilt lab that is required?


You’re welcome! Happy learning!

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

Hello @Nick_Tyson ,

I would suggest you to use the labs and resources provided in the course.

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

Hi Pierre!
The same happened to me. I do not see the “Launch App” button, how could to resolve it?

Tks and regards

did you slove this? Have the same problem

In which page should I find the launch app button?

Hi Mariam,

The launch button is not in the demonstration lesson, it’s in the next one. In gray color.

Hope this helps.

I have bought this course from coursera and i don’t have any idea where this launch button is. please help