I don't understand the folllowing code lines and why we are using them

can someone break it down why we are using these two lines of codes and what are the modules and how they work

from plt_logistic_loss import plt_logistic_cost, plt_two_logistic_loss_curves, plt_simple_example
from plt_logistic_loss import soup_bowl, plt_logistic_squared_error

Usually functions are named based on what they do. However, if you want to understand the functions you should open plt_logistic_loss.py and go through all the helper functions. If plt_logistic_loss.py is used in an assignment (either graded or ungraded) the Jupyter notebook will explain what they’re supposed to do. If you’re not satisfied with the explanation and want to view the python script, click File → Open - find and click plt_logistic_loss.py to view the source code.

Those “import” statements allow the notebook to access some utility functions.