I not able to sumbit my quiz after 3 attempts

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to request your assistance regarding the “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” course on Coursera (link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/neural-networks-deep-learning/home/assignments). Despite three attempts, I have unfortunately failed the course and have no exemptions available. Could someone help me with resetting or contacting the instructor.

you can reattempt after 8 hours, and you get again 3 attempts before quiz gets lock. So basically it might 8 hours or 12 hours cycle for you to attempt a quiz for 3 attempts to clear.

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This did not work for me can i get in contact with the instructor.

please share a screenshot of course subscription page for us to understand your issue more clearly. Quiz should be active in 8-12 hours if you have active subscription.