Images and figures are lost in the downloaded .html file of optional labs

Hi all,

I want to get PDF files of each optional labs.
Firstly I downloaded .html file, then I converted them to the .pdf files by print as pdf function.

The images and figures are lost in the .html file, though they are visible in the jupyter notebook.
eg. Optional Lab - ReLU activation
Please tell me how to get .html or .pdf files with all images from the course web page.

C2_W1_ReLU activation.pdf (411.3 KB)

Sorry, but that’s not possible in those file formats.

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Hi, you can download the lab in .ipynb and you will have the images and figures. You can open the downloaded file with jupyter notebook or online with Google Colab.

I believe the student asked about downloading the materials as a PDF file.

Thank you for replying.
I know I can download the full data as .jpynb file. I hope the PDF data to print out and search good way to export.

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Ah, I got it. As @TMosh said that’s not possible in those formats.

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@Mariama_Mbow you could try and get ‘fancy’ and use a Chrome extension like Fireshot or similar.

Sorry, @Nevermnd I don’t understand. Is it to get the .html file as asked by @AIkoyori?

@Mariama_Mbow no… and I forget now which extensions are ‘free’ (which is why I said ‘or similar’)-- But this will actually capture your entire screen as a PDF and output it. Way better than just trying to just do a ‘Print to PDF’ operation, or save the HTML.

@Nevermnd I got it :slight_smile: thank you. Maybe @AIkoyori can try your suggestion :slight_smile: .

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