in In 34 of C2W1 of machine learning algorithms, how did we get these weights ?
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in In 34 of C2W1 of machine learning algorithms, how did we get these weights ?
link: Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera
Please post a screen capture image that shows which area you are referring to. The notebook link isn’t helpful because we can’t open your notebook, only our own, and the line numbers may be different depending on the code we’ve added.
Hello @Mohak_Gupta,
Welcome to this community! If you are asking about an exercise, we need to follow the exercise’s instruction to do it ourselves. If you encounter an error that you don’t understand, you may search for the error message in this community, or open a new topic like you did here, write down the exercise number and add screenshot(s) of the whole Error TraceBack.
If it is not about an exercise, then do as Tom adviced. The ln [number]
only indicates the total number of code cells you have run so far, so even for the first code cell, if you run it 5 times it will appear as ln[5] and that number 5 doesn’t speak it is the 5th cell. A screenshot is the best.
However, never post any assignment code here.