Should we know Python before starting this course? Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification
Yes. At least the rudiments of code execution, indentation, and how function definitions work.
Hi Waris, welcome to the community!
If you are completely new to programming, it is recommended that you take an introductory Python course before taking this course. While the lectures will focus on mathematics and programming, there will be labs and assignments throughout the course that will require you to be familiar with the following programming concepts:
- Data types (int, double, bool, string) and data structures (list, dict)
- If/else, loops, functions
- Importing libraries
- Reading, editing, and debugging code, reading documentation
If you’re completely new to programming, here are some resources to consider:
- A Coursera course: Coursera has dozens of Python courses that cover these topics. For example, consider Google’s Crash Course Python, or the University of Michigan’s Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) followed by their Python Data Structures course.
- An Outside course: Many outside resources like Codecademy’s Learn Python 3 course, Microsoft’s Python for Beginners , or W3 Schools’ Python Tutorial teach these same introductory concepts.
- The web is also filled with other books or video series that teach introductory Python.
If you have experience with another programming language:
You can probably learn the Python you need for this course on the fly. You might want to check out a resource like W3 Schools’ Python Tutorial or the official Python Documentation to get familiar with Python syntax. You could also bookmark those links and refer back to them as necessary.
I hope this helps!