L4 lead_sales_rep_agent is not defined

i’m getting an NameError : name lead_sales_rep_agent is not defined. I’m assuming CrewAI changed it since the class. I’m using crewai 0.86.0 and crew tools 0.17.0

Hi @Debra_Friar

lead_sales_rep_agent is an agent defined within the notebook. It has nothing to do with the crewai library

NameError : name lead_sales_rep_agent is not defined. , this error tells that you didn’t run the cell to initialise it. Please make sure you run all the cells, and not skip anything.


Hello Mubsi,
ah that is helpful. I do see what I did incorrectly - thank you.

may i ask another question here or should i begin a new thread?
I am getting an error when verbose = 2, indicating it should be a boolean argument. see full error in image. thank you!

Thank you again!

Hi @Debra_Friar,

Are you running this on your own computer or on the platform?
