Lab04_Cost_function 3D plots not interactive


The plots for this lab are not interactive, I cannot rotate the figure as it says I can
How do i rotate the figure?

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Hey @Saxophiyin_Enis_Fiyi,
Welcome to the community. The interactive plots are working fine in my system. Actually, they are a little bit slow, and might take a second or so to reflect the changes in the orientation. Also, please ensure that you only do changes in the orientation, once the previous change has been rendered. How about you run the lab once more from the start, and try to do only a single change, and wait for a couple of seconds, and see if it gets rendered. Once it does, you can repeat the same procedure to do further changes step-by-step. Let me know if this helps.


It doesn’t seem to be working, Is there a specific way to change the orientation?

Nope doesn’t change, it acts like an image, Is there a specific way to change the orientation?

Hey @Saxophiyin_Enis_Fiyi,
I don’t think so that there is any specific way as such. You just drag your mouse in any direction on top of the image, and the image changes its orientation.


I already did that and the result was the image in my first tread

Hey @Saxophiyin_Enis_Fiyi,
That’s indeed strange. Please allow me to tag Chris, perhaps he could help you. Hey @chris.favila, can you please take a look at this query, and let us know if I am missing out on anything? Thanks in advance.


Hi Saxophiyin! Have you tried this in other browsers as well and got the same behavior? May we know what browser you’re using now? It’s also working for me on Chrome but it’s very slow to rotate.

Are you working in the Coursera Labs environment, or are you using another platform?

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This issue may also be due to pop-up or ad blockers in your browser. We’ve never fully identify all the causes of this issue.

Hi I am not able to rotate in my local notebook. can u guide me to solve issue?