Lost week 1,2,3 quiz grades

I finally (hurrah) completed course 4 - only to find out that my quiz grades are gone :(. I’m not sure what happened here or if there is some way for me to recover them.

I did click on extending the time allotted for completing this course… does that reset the quiz grades? I suppose I should be thankful that my programming assignments aren’t all gone too.

Any help appreciated. Thank you!


I have no idea what happened, but I would be very surprised if there is any way to recover that sort of information once it’s gone. Was it a long time ago that you did the quizzes?

My suggestion would be to redo them quickly before you have to pay for another month of the subscription. Please note that if you’re assuming you can come back later and that your notebooks will still be there, that is also not a good assumption. For starters, you will no longer be able to access them once your subscription is no longer active. They are behind the paywall, even if you have completed them. Before you stop paying your subscription, you should download your own backup copies of any assignments you want to save. There is a topic about that on the FAQ Thread.

Thanks Paul. Yes, I did download the notebooks for future reference.

I had to take about a month long break in the middle of course 4… so yes, I probably did them at least a month + few weeks ago. I’ll try to get them done soon. Thanks again.


Same thing happened to me last week unfortunately. I contacted Coursera help (not DeepLearningAI) and they were able to restore the grades in a few minutes during our chat session. It seems like a manual process. I guess some of the courses were reworked, causing a forward compatibility issue.

That worked! Thank you!
