MLEP: How to Refresh your Workspace

This applies to notebooks in Course 2 that run on Coursera Labs. If you clicked a blue Launch Notebook! button in the classroom, then that assignment runs in the said environment. This will come in handy whenever you need to start from scratch, fetch the latest version of the assignment, or run into a 404 error or missing grader metadata (i.e. if the grader fails you even if you have a correct solution).

  1. O​pen the notebook from the classroom.
  2. After the notebook opens up, c​lick File → Open
  3. W​hen your workspace opens, tick the check box before your notebook file. After it is selected, press Shutdown. The icon beside the filename should turn from green to gray.
  4. Important: Tick the checkbox again and this time choose Rename and enter any filename other than the original. For example, C4W1_Assignment.ipynb (original) → C4W1_Assignment_v2.ipynb. If you don’t rename your current notebook, the new one will not be fetched.
  5. (Optional) Tick the checkbox of any other file that you want to get a fresh copy of (e.g. dataset files that you might have manipulated irreversibly). Then click Delete . You can also opt to Rename or Download each file individually in case you want to keep them before deleting.
  6. Click on the Help button on the top right of the page.
  7. Click the Get latest version button.
  8. Click the Update Lab button. The page will refresh and you should now see the latest version of the notebook. It will have the original filename in your workspace.

Thanks for doing this, Chris. It’d be nice to have one page since they all fall under coursera labs:
See Refresh your Lab Workspace section here