I think there is something wrong with the auto grader this week!
Both of my assignment did not successfully graded until I change a little of the syntax
Both in #UNQ_C3
ResNet assigment:
Change to BatchNormalization()(X)
MobileNet assignment:
Make this in one line: model2.compile(loss=loss_function,optimizer = optimizer,metrics=metrics)
I think I should report this bug to the course’s staff and Discourse is only platform I know.
First, I am sorry for posting in the wrong section, I find it very difficult to adapt to this platform.
Here are the evidence.
This is the problem I mentioned! I did manage to solve the problem myself and these code that the autograder reported faulty was from the original source code of this course, not from student’s self implementation. I wrote this post to report this and help to further improve this amazing course’s quality.