Notes about course AI for Everyone (Spanish)

Hi all

How are they? I finished the AI course for everyone. Soon I will start the specialization in Deep Learning in Coursera. I share with you my notes, but they are in Spanish, if you are from a Spanish-speaking country, maybe they can help you review some topics about this course. I’m thinking of translating them into English

My notes here :point_right:

Thanks a lot!


Hi @danielandreseg,
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve put this in the AI4E Resources section.

Thanks again!


thank you for sharing the AI4E section

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Muchas gracias, Daniel!

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Hello @danielandreseg ,

“Thank you so much for sharing this with the community!”

“Muchas gracias por compartir esto con la comunidad!”

I really hope google translate didn’t screw that up :sweat_smile:

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hola, muchas gracias por compartir tus notas ayudas a otros hispanohablantes :smiley:


Justo iba a preguntar que curso seria recomendable seguir en nivel intermedio.
Espero podamos compartir avances.
Saludos, desde Lima-Perú.

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hola, muchas gracias por compartir tus notas ayudas a otros hispanohablant

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