Problem to calculate my grade for the lab C1_W3_Logistic_Regression

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Hey I’m having issues for getting the grade of my lab.
When I follow the instructions all the steps are returning the expected results and passing all the tests.

But when I click on submit, it raises an error telling me that the code is not being compiled.

Please help me finish the course.


Hi @marcvlima,

Please always share a screenshot of the error message in your message when it is about an error. :wink:

If the error message is something like “Cell #12 . Can’t compile the student’s code …”, then it is actually a pretty common error that might be due to:

  1. that your notebook has not been saved, so the grader is grading an unfinished notebook. Below, next to the assignment title, shows the save date (06/23/2024).

    If your date is not a recent date, then use the save button in the “File” menu and check if the date is updated to like below:

  2. that one of your code cell has error. For example, the beginning of my example message “Cell #12” means that the 12th code cell (counting from the top) has an error. Alternatively, you may also click “Kernel” > “Restart and run all” to re-run all the cells and it should stop at the problematic cell with an error message that should help you debug.


Thanks for your tip with the command “Restart and run all”.
Now I’ve seen the error is with a cell that is not graded.

Its the cell 10, I think the markdown content is corrupted.
Is there anyway someone can past the correct content of that cell to me please?

You will probably need to get a new copy of the assignment notebook file.

Use the File menu and delete your current notebook.

Then use the Lab Help menu (the question-mark inside a circle), and use “Get latest version”.

Then exit the assignment page, and re-enter it in a new browser window.

If a markdown cell turned into a code cell, that will cause error, and to reverse it back to a markdown cell, all we need is to select the cell, and choose “Markdown” in this menu:

The grader will skip all markdown cells so they won’t cause any error.

If you really needed to get back the original version of some markdown cells, then you would need to follow Tom’s instructions to get a new notebook. Note that, instead of deleting your current notebook, you might also rename it, so that you can keep your current one while getting a new notebook with the “Get latest version” button, then you can copy your work over.