Programming assingment Grading Issue

"The neural network with two layers in the Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science programming assignment from last week showed all tests passing. However, upon grading, it received 8 out of 10 points. "

It appears that your code does not work correctly for one set of tests that the grader uses.

Passing the tests in the notebook does not prove your code is perfect.

In the future, please place your post in the correct area for the course you’re attending. All the course forums are in the “Course Q&A” area. Then you pick the course name and add a week # tag.

You can move your thread using the ‘pencil’ icon in the thread title.

Notice that the test in the notebook does not check the actual values. If you look a bit more carefully, you’ll see that your values do not match the “expected values” as shown. Notice that your W1 and W2 values are all positive, whereas the expected values are both positive and negative. Most likely that means you used the wrong random function. Please have another more careful look at the instructions for that section. “rand” and “randn” do not give the same results. :nerd_face: