Response of the financial aid

Has anyone received a positive response from the financial aid?
Is it still working well?

Hey @RayaneChibani,
Welcome to the community. Yes, many learners have received a positive response for their financial aid applications in the past, and the program is still up and running, helping many more learners :nerd_face:


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Thank you Mr.
Are there any acceptance criteria?

Hey @RayaneChibani,
I am not really sure about the acceptance criteria, since the financial aid program doesn’t fall under the purview of DeepLearning.AI. It is solely handled by Coursera.


Thank you, is the certification included or will you have to apply for another help?

You will get the certification for the course that you have applied for. If you want the certification for the specialization, then you need to apply for all the courses individually.


Hello Dear @Elemento Can we apply for the full course not a single course including in specialization?

Hey @Mohammad_Shakouri,
Welcome to the community. As I just mentioned in my previous reply, you can’t apply for financial aid for a specialization. You need to apply for all the courses in a specialization individually. I hope this helps.


ok, Thanks for helping massege.