Financial Aid for Course

Can I get 100% financial aid on the course Deep learning Specialization? It shows only 90% aid. I can’t pay the amount as I am still in the college :confused:

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This part of financial aid for doing a course is handled by Coursera and not by DL.AI

Coursera had upgraded the financial aid to 90%off from 100% from their side.

You will have to contact learner helper centre on Coursera and request them in case you want 100% financial aid but I am not sure they would provide.



@Deepti_Prasad I think you mean ‘downgraded’ :wink:

@gangz – I am not rich either, by far, but if you go through with the whole specialization I think you will not regret paying the 10%. In fairness I also think on their side, many, many, many people start online learning programs and then never bother to finish them.

So I see it less as a direct ‘money making’ opportunity for them, but to ensure learners whom do receive aid still have an impetus to commit to the program.

I was speaking from Coursera perspective and they seem to be adamant right now to keep financial aid at 90% which even I feel it is justified but some people do need 100% financial aid in special cases, as he seems to state he is a student.

Honestly I don’t want to judge either Coursera or the learner as they both might be right in their own situation, so I leave to them on choices.

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You can audit the course if you are unable to pay . After the 90% scholarship most of the courses cost about 200-300 rupees ( 5USD at most ).

Hey that was a good suggestion @aryan010204

This is just for information, but auditing the course will not provide you certificate for the course completion.


But the certificate and $4.75US will get you a Grande Mocha Frappucino from Starbucks. The bigger thing you lose in “audit” mode is that you can’t do the programming assignments, which is where a lot of the learning takes place.


I hope that’s a joke :joy:

yes even I had that doubt about access to programming assignment and you confirmed it.

How do I contact learner help centre?

Hello @WasayAli07

On the right side, click on to your profile, which gets you list of columns, in that last but one, Learner Help Center

When you click learner Help Center, you get below categories, Choose as per your requirements further


I get the 90% financial aid on the deep learning specialization, When I enter the payment method the card number and expiry number and csv fields are locked, What is the problem

contact Coursera Learner Help Centre for any subscription related or payment related query as they are one who wil guide you on how to address this issue.