Shallow network quiz not opening

I have completed all the programming assignments of the course 1

My course subscription expires today and a quiz isnt opening

I have contacted coursera thrice, filled there conteact form three times but there is customer support is really disappointing, they close the case and says to be patient wait for 14 days but my course expires today

I approached them on reddit and twitter sadly no replies there

Kindly help me out

here are the screenshots

i have done everything btw acc to there site article used vpn, cleared cookies etc used phone mobile different laptops

told my friend to check

Yes, I just tried opening the quizzes in DLS C1 W2 and W3 and they both hang in the same way you show. @mubsi is this a known problem? Would you please take a look?

If u can fix this issue in an hour it would be a great help

And please report the course staff…

They said they have opened the issue with there team 3-4 days ago

Please realize that it is Sunday here on the west coast of the US. That is not a work day here. So it’s unlikely that Coursera will respond within an hour. Some of the DLAI staff are working remotely from quite an array of locations, so you might get lucky and get a response from some of them in a more timely fashion. But no guarantees of solutions in as short a timeframe as 1 hour, unless this is just an instance of “passing bad weather in the Cloud”.

i am contacting them since past 4 days
on reddit , twitter contact forms everywhere

I was not aware that Coursera listens to Reddit or Twitter. The instructions I have seen for contacting them involves using their website, as described on the DLS FAQ Thread here.

Hi all,

Yes, this is a known issue ( @paulinpaloalto ), and coursera has been made aware of it and working on fixing it. Unfortunately, I can’t promise you by when this will be fixed.

In the mean time, try clearing your browser history and cache, maybe even try using a different browser, but if the issue remains, please reach out to Coursera support (via chat or email) for this.


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