Subtitle errata

I noticed some mistranscriptions in the transcript (subtitles, captions) for the course videos. Below is the errata for the first week. I’ll post the errata for the other weeks in those groups.

The format for the errata is as follows. The approximate time is in braces, then the mistranscribed word or phrase follows, followed by a hyphen, then followed by the correct word or phrase. So like this:

[time] mistranscribed word or phrase - correct word or phrase

Video 1: Welcome to machine learning!

[1:11] hoping - helping

Video 3: What is machine learning?

[0:18] she - he

[0:39] she did was she - he did was he

Video 6: unsupervised learning part 1

[0:17] uncivilized - unsupervised

[1:12] Why - Y

[1:33] Our room - algorithm

Video 8 - Jupyter notebooks

[0:55] Counties - companies

Video 11 - linear regression model part 2

[4:25] Streamline - straightline

Video 19 - Learning rate

[2:38] Decorative - derivative

[3:59] Creating the sense - gradient descent

[4:05] Great intersect - gradient descent

[7:53] Decorative - derivative

[8:40] New regression - linear regression

[8:54] Great in dissent - gradient descent

Video 20 - Gradient descent for linear regression

[4:58] One the shoe - one issue
