Hello, in the lab2 of week 2, I noticed many variables starting with underscore while building ML pipeline. Would you explain or provide some links on what does it mean ? Thanks.
Underscore used in ML pipeline
Hi @dsfasfuqwjoasjsad great question!!
You can refer to the PEP8 standards
PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code | peps.python.org
In this specific case it might mean that is for internal use and we shouldn’t modified, based on the styling guide. Overall, it doesn’t have any meaning on a ML pipeline, they are constant values use in the notebook.
Hello, thanks for your help.
I searched and understand the meaning of internal use of class method, while I am confused with the meaning of internal use of a variable. Would you clarify on it or attach me some online resources on it ?
It is juat a way to communicate to other programmera that it shouldn’t change or manipulated, is not commom to have vatiables with this format, but is just a way of communication in this specific case for the lab.
hello mentor, thanks for your clarification !