Source Systems, Data Ingestion, and Pipelines In week 2 lecture streaming injunction details, the instructor says Kafka and kinesis are similar, and he says in a Kafka topic each partition and only connect to one consumer and in next lecture They talk about kinesis, there the instructor says each shared (topic in kinesis) can connect 2 or more consumer. This kind on confusing me, Is this a different between them or I understanding it wrongly ?
Hello @Giri_Daran,
I think Morgan is talking about kinesis shards that connect to two or more consumers or one consumer to another (no consumer groups that subscribe on streams/topics). You see kinesis and kafka both support pull based customer subscriptions for topics.
In the other lecture video you have it correct each consumer group is subscribed to a topic/stream and each partition can only be assigned to a single consumer in the group. Hope it helps