Wrong grade for C1_W3 programming assignment?

Please check my grade. I got 88%, while all my tests passed. I suspect I did not get a credit for Exercise 1, which did not have an autograder.

Please advise on what I should do. Thank you.

That means there is something wrong with your code. The next step is to figure out what that is. Note that there are lots of ways that you can pass the tests in the notebook but fail other tests. E.g. you may have hard-coded some assumptions about the dimensions of the inputs that happen to match the tests in the notebook or you may have referenced global variables from the local scope of one of your functions. So the first step is to carefully re-examine your code for the graded functions with what I said in mind. You can tell which ones are graded by the comments at the beginning of the cell. If it doesn’t say graded, then that’s not where the problem is.

Also please note that no-one but the course staff can directly see your code and they are not listening here. The mentors are just fellow student volunteers, but we can usually help figure out what is wrong.

Did you click “Show grader output” to see all the feedback? Sometimes it will tell you which function was not correct. But there are unfortunately also some cases where it doesn’t tell you where to look.


Thanks for your response.

I did not hard-code, except in the two instances (“n_h” in Exercise 2, and “threshold” in Exercise 9) where the assignment instructed us to. I review my submission before I submit and, per your advise, reviewed a couple of times again after submission. I did not find any error in any of my submissions.

As I said, I strongly believe I did not get a credit for Exercise 1, which did not have a built-in tester; the rest of the 8 questions had built-in testers. I got a grade of 88%, that means 8 out the 9 exercises; the one that I did not get a score for is Exercise 1.

To somehow corroborate my claim, the sparse grader output says, “Tests failed on 1 cell(s)! These tests could be hidden. Please check your submission”. (Again, that 1 cell is Exercise 1.)

Could you advise on how I can get the issue escalated?


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