Please help resolve whatever issue is causing additional code-cell to be included with submission. I’ve rerun the entire file several times, even going so far as to only run the cells pertaining to the CNN/training thus omitting graphical portrayal of loss-v-epoch.
Hi @David_12358,
You have an extra cell in the notebook, which you might have added yourself. You need to delete that cell and then submit your assignment again.
In case, you don’t know which code cell it is, you need to fetch a fresh copy of the assignment. When you have your assignment open, go to, File-->Open...
. Rename your current assignment. Then you should see a Help
button on the top right, click it. When the panel opens, click the button to fetch a fresh copy of the assignment.
When the page reloads, in the same manner, File-->Open...
, you can view your older version of the assignment. Use that to copy/paste your solutions. And again, remember, not to create any extra code cell.