c1w2-Creating environment

Hi. I’m trying to follow the instructions but in AWS don’t show the public subnet option.

  • Click on Create environment, type in the name de-c1w2.
  • Scroll down and choose t3.small in the instance type.
  • In networking settings, make sure to click on Secure Shell (SSH) otherwise your instance will not be accessible.
  • Click on the VPC settings dropdown, choose the VPC named de-c1w2.
  • For the subnet, select the public one: de-c1w2-public-subnet.
  • Click on Create button.
  • Wait for the environment to be created which might take 1-2 minutes.
  • Click on Open to access AWS Cloud9 IDE. This is a cloud-based environment that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.

Hello @LuiferG_AI
Please, make sure to first choose the VPC de-c1w2. After you choose the correct VPC, the subnet you are looking for will be available from the dropdown menu.


Yes Amir. I did it. Thanks. Now I’m stuck in the next step.

aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier de-c1w2-rds --output text --query "DBInstances.Endpoint.Address”

It doesn’t do anything.

It is strange. The exact command should be the following, and yours seems like it is.
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier de-c1w2-rds --output text --query "DBInstances[].Endpoint.Address"
First, please make sure that you are choosing the correct subnet for your cloud9 environment. Choosing the private subnets may lead to connection issues between the different components.
If the issue persists, please, press ctrl + c to cancel the command and retry it. You can even create another terminal and try the command there. You should press the plus button I have circled in the following image.

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Thanks Amir.

I did it trying this one:

aws rds describe-db-instances --query “DBInstances[?DBInstanceIdentifier==‘de-c1w2-rds’].Endpoint.Address” --output text.

On the other hand. I downloaded the lab of week 2, but I don’t remember where exactly the option was. Do you know (If it is possible) where can I download the c1w3?

Hi @LuiferG_AI
If you want to download any files from any lab, you can open the lab again, create the Cloud9 environment, use the aws cp command mentioned in the Vocareum labs to copy the file to your environment, and download it to your local computer from there. Otherwise, if you have an AWS account yourself, I guess you can try the aws cp command there too.
However, c1w3 does not have any lab file. Can you tell me exactly which file you would like to download?

Thanks Amir.

I wanted to download the description (Each step described in Vocareum), but I can review them in the videos.

@LuiferG_AI Unfortunately, it is not simple to download the Vocareum page, since its not available through a single file. For example each image is in a different address. But, if you want to keep the webpage to reference to it in the future, I suggest printing the page as a PDF and saving it locally.