Cloud 9 Environment Creation

I all the labs, for creating cloud 9 environment, we do the following:

  • Click on Create environment, type in the name de-c3w2a1.
  • Scroll down and choose t3.small in the instance type.
  • In networking settings, make sure to click on Secure Shell (SSH) otherwise your instance will not be accessible.
  • Click on the VPC settings dropdown, choose the VPC named de-c3w2a1.
  • For the subnet, select the public one: de-c3w2a1-public-subnet.
  • Click on Create button.
  • Wait for the environment to be created which might take 1-2 minutes.
  • Click on Open to access AWS Cloud9 IDE.

But why is it that in the subnet drop down, sometimes we see only one like above “de-c3w2a1-public-subnet” and sometimes we see “de-c3w2a1-public-subneta” and “de-c3w2a1-public-subnetb” despite all other steps being the same?

Hello @Ram_Sastry,
Sorry for the late response, those sub networks are explained in the first course in detail by Morgan Willis. Sub networks or subnets for short are smaller networks within a VPC that spans all availability zones in the same region. This a diagram of good data architecture:

In C3W2 assignment we use a different architecture. I think is called medallion because we use three different stages (bronze for staging, silver for transformation and gold for presentation). I am sure there are more information you can find but I suggest you check those videos and lecture notes back in Course 1. Thanks