C2W1 Assignment 1 - "Failed to connect to your instance"

Hello @Georgios @Amir_Zare

For the past few weeks, I was stuck in an infinite loop with the Cloud9 environment not starting, waiting for the lab to expire, and so on. I completed the lab issue Google form, but my course deadlines expired in the meantime.

Two days ago, I decided to reset my deadline, and voila—no VOCAREUM terminal! Instead, we now have a new open development terminal, which is quite confusing as it is at the moment and also all the lab assignments that I previously completed are now showing as due. :slight_smile:

Currently, I’m working on the lab assignment “Troubleshooting Database Connectivity on AWS.”

In Step 1.4, when trying to connect,

I’m encountering the following error:

Can you guys help!


Hello @Maxmayo123
Did you by any chance change anything in the connection menu? The default settings should look like the following, and they seem to work.

Please, let us know how it goes in the fresh lab start. If you face the same issue again, please try rebooting your AWS server, and see if that helps.

Hello @Amir_Zare , I am also facing the same issue. I have followed instructions, and have rebooted the lab. The problem persisted.

Hello @Dan_m
Can you request a lab refresh via this form to see if that helps?

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@Amir_Zare @Dan_m the issue still persists and its frustrating I’m dealing with this for over 3 weeks now. I filled out the lab refresh google form as well. Can you fix this!

@Amir_Zare Nothing has changed. I hit “connect” and the error pops up.

Hey @Amir_Zare! There seems to be a mix-up with the usernames. If you’re trying to tag someone else to help me, you might have meant to mention a different user—right now, you’ve listed @Maxmayo123 both as the person needing help and the helper. Could you clarify whom you intended to tag for assistance?

@Maxmayo123 sorry for the mix-up. You were right.

Hello @hawraa.salami
Can you please help @Maxmayo123 here? Apparently, he is not able to connect to his EC2 server, and a lab refresh hasn’t solved the problem.
Thank you in advance.

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@Maxmayo123 I’ll send you a message to ask you about your lab id and more specific questions.

Hi @Amir_Zare , I received an email that the issue was fixed ( 3 days ago) but I have just tried and the issue persists. Is anyone else having such a persistend issue or am I doing something wrong?

Hello @hawraa.salami
Thank you for your support.
Looks like the issue persists for @Dan_m too.

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@Dan_m - this from @hawraa.salami worked for me!

EC2 connection issue - DeepLearning.AI

Hi @Amir_Zare, I am facing the same issue, and I cannot access the url that Maxmayo123 posted. Could you please help me?