C3_W2_RecSysNN_Assignment_Unsupervised learning recommending systems

Hi! For homework C3_W2_RecSysNN_Assignment, i kept getting errors for the orginal codes not the part we need to write, as attached. does anyone know how to solve this issue? thank you in advance!

First question:

When you opened the notebook, did you first run all of the cells starting from the top?

yes- tried to run the cells from the begining the error is still there. Good news is im actually able to submit the assignment 100 passed with this error :slight_smile:

That’s good, I’ll check further and see if the notebook has been updated recently.

No, the notebook hasn’t been updated, and I was able to run all the cells without errors.

Did you modify any of the data in the cell in Section 5.1 that creates the “user_vec” array?

Also, maybe try using “Kernel->Restart and clear output” and then run all of the cells again. Then inspect the results of every cell looking for any error messages.