I am trying to run this locally - I have obtained an API key, and set it in an environment variable.
When I start this course, I am not able to get past the very first cell…
from utils import get_api_key
Running this results in an error. I have confirmed that I DID install the proper components using the command: “pip install -q google.generativeai” (I ran it twice, and confirmed it was installed correctly)…I also restarted Jupyter notebooks after setting this up.
Any ideas why this error is happening?:
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 from utils import get_api_key
Please, follow the instructions above. Keep in mind that these instructions are regards the course assets. If you try to run locally, you have to download and install all the packages that are from python envirioment.
For example, if the course uses a external package, you have to install it on your envirioment by your own.
I am trying to run locally.
I got into trouble when running following cell:
for m in palm.list_models():
print(f"name: {m.name}“)
print(f"description: {m.description}”)
print(f"generation methods:{m.supported_generation_methods}\n")
Error: DefaultCredentialsError: Your default credentials were not found.
Question: How do to set up Application Default Credentials?