when i try to submit my week 3 programming assignment i could not submit. it loads a bit and suddenly disappears. i have attached the screen
when i try to submit my week 3 programming assignment i could not submit. it loads a bit and suddenly disappears. i have attached the screen
I’m not a mentor for this course, but here is one suggestion that often causes issues.
Did you add any output statements to the notebook that would cause its size to increase greatly - for example, print() statements used for debugging?
This can cause problems if the notebook file becomes too large and the grader times-out trying to load it.
I’m not saying this is your specific issue, just that it’s a simple thing to check while you wait for a course mentor to assist you.
thank you for your reply, i tried uploading the previous week’s submission(which was successful last week) in the present week’s but i face the same issue. then i tried in another course(NLP using Tensorflow which is a part of specialization) i face the same issue. IDK am i the only one facing this bug ?. i think there is a issue from coursera side. i have sent a mail to coursera support team and hoping for a reply
I’ve seen no other similar reports.
Is your course subscription still valid?
Update : i got mail from coursera support team, they instructed me to clear all the cache, cookies, and browsing history from my browser and now its working perfectly well. Thank You TMosh for your time and your help, it means a lot to me !! Thank You
One other point to make here: I was having general problems running the notebooks about 2 or 3 hours ago, so it was probably “bad weather in the cloud”, meaning that the AWS servers were having problems. The fact that it worked when you tried again may have had more to do with the servers getting restarted than with the clearing of caches and all.