Chatbox freezing

Hello everyone!

I am facing issue in the chatbox while attempting questions. It shows a red cross box and not generating any responses. This started happening when I reached the “combining text and calculations” lesson.

Tried clearing cache, restarting, using a different browser? Please help. Is someone else facing similar issue?

I am facing a similar issue, every time I try to run a command in the Chatbot, it gives a “Forbidden” error.

This has been reported to the course staff.

Thank you

Hi @Shweta111 and @Karim_Badr,

I tried the chat on that lesson, it seems to be working. Maybe it was a temporary issue. Please try again and let me know.

If you still come across an issue, please share its screenshot as well.


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Chat box can’t connect. Co de 500. I’ve refreshed the browser window many times but it’s still the same.

Also, the print_llm_response and get_llm_response aren’t working.

Hi @Hammad_Iqbal,

Kindly log out, clear browser history and cache, log in and try again.

If that doesn’t fix it, let me know.

Likely, your session has timed out.


Still the same.

Hi @Hammad_Iqbal - we fixed some of the infrastructure yesterday to help with timeouts. Can you please try what Mubsi has said again? Thanks!

Just checked, chatbot is working fine for me!!!

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Hi Mubsi,

Seems to have corrected on my end. If it happens again, I will share the screenshot.
Many thanks.

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I’ve completely cleared the cache and browser history, signed out and signed back in, and tried multiple browsers, Chrome, Brave on Windows 10, and Chrome, Brave, and Safari on Mac OS Sequoia, but I get the same timed-out message.
And as earlier, the get_llm and print_llm aren’t working. For instance, in lesson 3, when running the code to print LLM response for the high-priority task, the following error appears. As a result, I haven’t been able to progress through the lessons.

PermissionDeniedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[22], line 3
1 #complete high priority tasks
2 for task in prioritized_tasks[“high_priority”]:
----> 3 print_llm_response(task)

hey @Hammad_Iqbal

try a different email-id and access the codes, does it give the same error?? about the llms response. also please share screenshot of the error you are mentioning as

it seems this code is not complete, one needs to mention codes after :
