Course 1 Week 3 Lab not starting

Hi, I have tried twice today to start the Course 1 Week 3 lab. The red icon on the vocareum lab page won’t change to green. I have left it for a long time and nothing happens. I need to finish the lab today to stay on track with the course. Please help

I eventually gave up on waiting for the green icon and just clicked start lab. It eventually went from yellow to green (after about 10 minutes). I did have a permissions issue in the lab where I couldn’t save the Launch Template for EC2 instances :frowning:

When I submitted the lab, I got a zero for that section, giving me an overall result of 70%
This was not due to my not following instructions but because the environment was not provisioned correctly.

Hello @RonanOD ,
Yes you had to click start lab and wait to turn the AWS dot green. The launch tempate has to be t3.nano and you need to hit update after changing the version. The instances has to be t3.nano in the EC2 instance page. If you still have issues with the grader you could post a screenshot of the submission report to help further, thanks: