Hi, I’m trying to get an estimate on how long it would take to become production ready as a ML engineer. I really want to work on NLP projects.
Could someone tell me if deep learning is a prerequisite for Natural language processing? Do I have to take both specialization to achieve my goal?
Or can I start the Natural Language Processing Specialization once I’m done with the Machine Learning Specialization?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
The machine learning specialization lays out the basis for many AI algorithms and uses. The NLP spec is specific for NLP applications.
Both of them are quite informative.
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As Gent says, NLP is the most specific to your stated goal. DLS is not really a “prerequisite” to it: DLS covers Deep Neural Networks, which are used to solve lots of types of problems including image recognition, computer vision and (eventually in DLS Course 5) NLP problems. I have not taken NLP, but DLS Course 5 covers Sequence Models, including Attention Models and Transformers, which are also covered by the later NLP courses. But when you’re applying for jobs, having wider knowledge of ML algorithms can’t be a bad thing. DLS is pretty fundamental to the whole field and would be a nice thing to have on your c.v. and in your algorithmic “toolbox”, if you have time to invest in that when you finish NLP. You could actually do them in either order. If you take NLP first, then DLS Course 5 might seem redundant. You’ll know when you get there …
We wish you the best in your educational work and in your job applications! Let us know how it goes.
See you on the Forums!
Thanks, @paulinpaloalto Your clarification and advice helps a lot. Knowing that I can begin NLP right after I’m done w/ the ML specialization reignite my excitement while curving my instant gratification/impatience. I’m finding my front-end/full-stack background makes it hard to wait for results while learning machine learning.
I’ll probably follow up w/ DLS to widen/deepen my expertise later in the year.
@gent.spah thanks for the help.
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