Deploying a deep learning model_ungraded lab

Hi everyone,

Maybe a novice question but I have been trying to open the localhost link using safari and google chrome browser.

Please help


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Are you running a local server? That’s what creates a “localhost”.

Dear @Sheila_Murunga,

Have you started the local host/server on port 8000?

Hi @TMosh

Not sure what you mean, just to confirm, do I need to set up the virtual environment for Python or install docker?

Please clarify


No, I haven’t @Girijesh, do I need to set it up?


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Yes you have to start the server at post 8000.

Can you please explain me, what actually are you doing.

So I have completed the setup described on this link: machine-learning-engineering-for-production-public/course1/week1-ungraded-lab at main · https-deeplearning-ai/machine-learning-engineering-for-production-public · GitHub though I cant seem to start the server

Please help


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If you want your browser to respond to that IP address, you need to be running a local server.

The instructions in the repo tell you that either method can be used.

They recommend using either Conda or Docker.

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Thanks @TMosh
Kind regards

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