I am trying to deploy the model using Docker on my Windows. Everything works fine but when I click /work directory, the directory is empty. I couldn’t find any files whatsoever.
First of all, welcome to the Deeplearning.ai community!
While it is straightforward for mac and linux users to use docker, it is a bit challenging to use it with windows.
As a Windows user, I strongly recommend you to opt for the method using virtual environment with Conda, so you don’t loose your learning momentum. The most important is the MLOps concept and practice, not the tool used to run Python. You will find all details by clicking here.
Hi, I am taking with course as a new manager of a group of machine learning engineers. I have minimal MLOps experience.
I was successful running the lab with docker on Windows. Now a question on the course methodology: while I appreciate what the model is doing, I had a hard time following the model deployment piece in server.ipynb from Deploying the model using fastAPI
Should I invest time to make sure that every call from docker calls to get and post calls to spinning up the server - are all completely clear to me?
Hi @Gamliel_Beyderman, I think it is worth understanding how web servers work to better understand the work your team is probably doing. You can look up for high level tutorials or videos on youtube on HTTP REST web servers and that should probably be fine