Server.ipynb not fuound

I used docker and followed all the steps but server.ipynb is not in my /work directory.
Where can I find this file???

Hi @keks1208
Have you run the the docker image by the command shown in the lab page?
the command should be

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 8000:8000 --mount type=bind,source=“$(pwd)”,target=/home/jovyan/work deeplearningai/mlepc1w1-ugl:jupyternb

You should see some traces like these below

Take note of the trace containing “…”
Copy it and paste into your browser. A new page should be opened as here below:

Click on the server.ipynb and then you have done.
Anyway if you are under Windows I would recommend the first approach (Conda based).
Hope this can help

Hi @keks1208
happy to see that you have been able to move ahead.
If you want please try to complete the the optional challenge as well.
I can give you some hints on that. It’s doable and it is really helpful to have a more complete knowledge of the fastAPI stuff.

Hi fabioantonini, I also followed the steps but my work directory is completely empty. Here are the commands I ran.

docker pull deeplearningai/mlepc1w1-ugl:jupyternb
mkdir week1-ungraded-lab
cd week1-ungraded-lab
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 8000:8000 --mount type=bind,source=“$(pwd)”,target=/home/jovyan/work deeplearningai/mlepc1w1-ugl:jupyternb

Any help would be greatly valued.

Hello Marciano
I apologize for the big delay.
I think that you refer to

I think you don’t need to create the folder ‘week1-ungraded-lab’ and jump into it.

The notebook explains
“When the container starts running you will see some information being printed in the terminal. Usually you will need to authenticate to use Jupyter lab, for this copy the token that appears on your terminal, head over to http://localhost:8888/ and paste it there.”

So you have just to open http://localhost:8888/ from your browser.
Hope this helps