? 1.) How can I get the this git to the docker container
? 2.) How do I type commands in this un-editable terminal window in docker desktop windows 10 when I have a running container in “Containers / Apps”
The GitHub readme describe docker usage in a complicated way while also missing out on key step by step instructions to actually make it work.
This have helped to set it up on windows 10 - How to install Docker on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 | Simple steps | VMware | 2020 - YouTube
To add output local port when you are in the docker application
click “Images” here you can find the images you an pic out of (If you already have the image of course).
Click “Run” → “Open Settings” → at Local host type a nice number like “7888” → click “run” → Big Menu pick “Containers / Apps” click on your container → than you just need to type in to a browser: “http://localhost:7888/” → you will see a typical jupyter login that asks for the token that is in the docker desktop’s terminal ex.: “”