Experience, learning methods, and changes in society

I thought I would just add a bit of discussion. My apologies if this is not the correct path to do so.
What is the consensus about AI coding assistants?
Will AI coding match skilled coders at some point?
47626_Coding_Interview_Preparation.pdf (904.3 KB)
The coding interview prep might still be how things are done today but hoping to receive some feedback, discussion, comments…(attached file)
My goal is simply to learn what I can and gain a better understanding of the language of AI all of the easier and harder parts to consider.
At my age breaking into the field is not likely.
Healthcare will use AI more and more so understanding what is going on helps to communicate better with professionals who may have years of experience.

My job learning is to do projects submit online, then a proctered test only notes and pdf manual allowed, once you pass you receive a credential from the software company to be allowed to configure the software but that is just the begining of the learning journey. (earned 3 and several badges which is either test project or sometimes both). Configuration of software not same as programming though but programming underlies it all.

AI learning am sure has many paths utlimately being able to perform in a job will matter, able to use many tools to complete work accurately, work with teams etc…
The future is hard to predict but will be much different than the now. AI knowledge is likely necessary in many areas of employment going down this path can only be helpful for the future. At least my point of view.