Failed test case: serving_anomalies_with_env has incorrect values (showing changed values with respect to correct answer). Expected: {}, but got: None

While doing C2W1_Assignment, Ex#9 I am getting below comment from the grader system. The output is correct however the grader gives me 5/10 with below comment. Can anyone help?

Failed test case: serving_anomalies_with_env has incorrect values (showing changed values with respect to correct answer). Expected: {}, but got: None.

Please check notebook metadata and refresh the workspace if required / in doubt. If that doesn’t help, please click my name and message your notebook as an attachment.

I agree with you that this error is hard to find based on grader feedback.
The problem is in modify_domain_of_features, specifically in the last parameter of tfdv.set_domain.
Here’s an added hint:

domain: A domain protocol buffer or the name of a global string domain present in the input schema.

Ahhh thank you so much! This had blocked me for a while and now it’s finally resolved!!! :slight_smile: