Feature scaling lab

lab is locked and there is a message “first purchase subscription to unlock the lab”
How to open or purchase subscription?
Plz guide

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From Coursera, you enroll in the class and pay the fee.

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I am poor student couldn’t pay fee
I was enrolled free

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You can apply for financial aid.

I have applied for financial aid.
Application have been approved for financial aid…I have also completed 1st week
And attend all the labs also…
But now lab is locked
Why this?

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It takes some time for your financial aid to be approved - up to two weeks if I recall correctly.

You will have to wait until then.

Financial aid is already approved
I have completed my first week also

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The first week is always free.

If you can’t access the other materials, your aid is not yet approved.

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When I applied for financial aid, almost after 1 moth of applied, I had got a message from Coursera.
#Your application for financial aid have been approved now you can access the course

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Hi @Muhammad_Hamzah

It seems that there has been a recent update to the financial aid policies on Coursera. Previously, they offered courses for free, but now it appears that they are granting a 75% discount instead.


I could pay nothing
I am so much poor student
From low country :sob:

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I recommend you contact Coursera via the Help Center, and see if they can assist you.

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Dear @Muhammad_Hamzah,

When you get your financial aid approved. You have 180 days (if I correctly recall) to complete your course.

Please share when your financial aid approved and when you have completed week 1.

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You are correct almost…
Surely 180 have been passed since approved my financial aid

Now, What is best solution
As I can not afford to pay fee for subscription

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Perhaps you can apply for financial aid again.

As I mentioned before, contact Coursera’s Help Center and maybe they can assist you.

No one who reads this forum can do anything about your course subscriptions. That’s Coursera’s area.

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If I apply again
Will the course be start from begging?

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After approved financial aid

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You’ll have to ask Coursera about that.

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