Game 4 in the lecture: Covariance of a Probability Distribution

Dear Mentor,

Covariance of a Probability Distribution | Coursera

Refer to the lecture: Covariance of a Probability Distribution, Time 7:55 / 11:25


Could you please guide me on how to get P(a) = 1/2, P(b) = 1/3 and P(c) = 1/6?

I thought that P(a) = P(b) = P(c) = 1/3

Thank you

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The probabilities in this lecture are all givens. They’re not derived.

In the previous three games, Luis decided to make all of the probabilities equal, in order to demonstrate the value of considering the covariance.

For Game 4, he decided to show what happens if the probabilities are not equal.