Help, my submission on Cousera only return 0%

I was working on the Trigger_word_detection_v2a
All graded cells in the notebook showed “All tests passed!” but when I submitted the assignment the grader output the following message
"Sorry, your submission was incorrect. Please try again. Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0). " and return 0% to my assignment.

Edit: I have tried to get a clean notebook and resubmitted it by following this post but it is not working

Do you still get the same error message after starting again with the clean notebook?

That error indicates that there is something fundamental wrong with your notebook at a structural level. Did you edit the notebook on any other platform besides the course website?

Also did you try the solution suggested in the last post on that other thread:

Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output
Submit to grader

The error you show can also be caused by lots of output from running the notebook then confusing the grader. The grader does not need to see your output.

Thanks, it works like a charm.

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