How can i reset/get a fresh copy of assignment Notebook for Gaussian Elimination?

Can i reset the python notebook for Gaussian Elimination exercise or to load a fresh copy of

After you launch the lab
Click help on the top right of the screen
Click ā€˜get latest versionā€™
Click ā€˜update labā€™

I did. I get the same notebook which i have worked on. I need the notebook where the user input section are reset to None.

I see the problem

You will need to rename the notebook.

Launch the lab
Go to ā€˜fileā€™ on the top left
Click ā€˜renameā€™

Follow the previous steps to refresh the files in the workspace
Close the lab
Relaunch the lab

New notebook should be there

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Thanks Dan!

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ā€œGet latest versionā€ will not replace any existing files by the same name.
You always have to delete or rename any files you want to update.

Itā€™s not one of Coursera Labs best features.

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