I am a Product Manager how generative AI and LLMs can help me?

How generative AI can help me to automate process or in data analysis

I recommend you attend some short courses on these topics.

As a PM first you need to know your product and define the problems you want to tackle and your goals too. Then get a basic understanding about ML and when and for which types of problems you can apply it. The ML specialisation by DeepLearning.AI is an excellent course to start with since it provides a solid foundation on the algorithms, the development process, the resources you will need, tradeoff etc.
Afterwards a Generative AI course and Prompt engineering one are a good next step and the rest is up to your imagination and of course your customer’s needs :slight_smile:

Not sure if it helps but I would say start somewhere and learn and experiment. If you have LLM which is trained on your data you can check how to use prompts to get what you need out of your data most efficiently.

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With what @Jenys answered, I would add as a product manager you would require to look for quality of a product or performance of a product before it goes into production, so when a stakeholder/owner/company has a demand of product from you with set of quality or features they are looking for in a product.

Machine learning algorithm come in play to understand if your featured data product would be of interest to your stakeholders. To understand this part, deep learning specialisation covers mainly the importance of understanding your dataset, their split, preprocessing of data before your create a model with the desired feature to train the model algorithm your have created which would indicate if the features required by the stakeholders or you is worth the short for the product your are creating.

So learn AI, it is worth it, you won’t regret it.
