Lab1: AWS sign does not turn green on first screen

The first screen on Week 1 lab on Vocareum AWS does not turn green for me to work on - lab gets stuck in yellow and the time is running.

Can someone help?

Same problem. The instructions say the lab should start in a few seconds the first time. This is the first time, and it’s been 6 minutes already.

Another instruction says it could take up to 30 minutes. Really?

I just paid to get access. Is it going to work?

It doesn’t depend on the instrutors, but on AWS, try running the browser in incognito mode and see how long it takes. Sometimes it takes a long time because the machine needs to start.

It worked on its own in the end for me, took longer than 10 mins though. Good news is 2 hours is waaaay longer than needed anyway to simply run through the whole thing. Is all fixed for you?

Worked after about 15 minutes. Then I couldn’t find this thread to let you know.
