Lab2: Getting an error when trying to change the Kernel instance to 8CPU * 32GB

I am trying to complete Lab2. However, by default I am getting 2vCPU * 4GB instance. When I try to change the kernel size, I get the following error:

Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [datascience-1-0-ml-t3-2xlarge-04b8c65bf681bfc91b919b0dd21a]. AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::597571685741:assumed-role/sagemaker-studio-vpc-firewall-us-east-1-sagemaker-execution-role/SageMaker is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:CreateApp on resource: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:597571685741:app/d-d33sw63uce5d/sagemaker-user-profile-us-east-1/kernelgateway/datascience-1-0-ml-t3-2xlarge-04b8c65bf681bfc91b919b0dd21a with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy (Context: RequestId: 0204772f-9c22-40b1-941b-6f28ab66b3b1, TimeStamp: 1702791703.9888806, Date: Sun Dec 17 05:41:43 2023)

Please advise.

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There is currently a technical problem with this course.

Please follow this thread for updates:


Hi Ravin. From the error message, it seems you are trying to use ml.t3.2xlarge. The lab instructions specifies ml.m5.2xlarge. Please use that instead to avoid the error. You can refer here for other common lab related concerns. However, if you see a “Create a Sagemaker domain” button instead of “Open Studio” on your next attempt, please monitor the topic Tom mentioned above. Hope this helps!

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Hi Tom! Just letting you know that not all learners are affected by the Sagemaker domain bug. I see some can complete the lab, even if others are stuck. I hope we’ll have an update tomorrow from our partners. Thanks!

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Hi Chris,
Thanks. I was able to complete my Lab2.


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Hi Chris! I am also facing the Sagemaker domain bug and i cannot access my lab2. It will be helpful if you solve it.

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