Labs, how much time is too much?

How much time should I spend on each lab?
I can usually skim the labs and try to apply the main concepts in my own notebook within 30 minutes but I can also dig deeper and spend more than 3 hours on the lab, so what do you think is better?

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Hello @mohammed_alrabiah,

Labs have different lengths. Also, the more experienced you are, the less time is needed. Therefore, it may not be the best strategy to set a time for every lab.

What about this - you set a deadline for completing the courses, and allocate a certain amount of hours each day on studying. Given these hours, you figure out the average amount of time for each lab.

Given the average, you can more flexibly control the progress - if it overruns, you speed up the current or the next lab.

As for how to spend the time, you asked this before, so we don’t repeat that. My other suggestion is for you to implement something yourself based on you learn from the lectures/lab.

For example,you might spend

  • 1/3 of the time to read the lab and do revision with lectures
  • 1/3 on completing the exercises
  • 1/3 on implementing something

The last part might be delayed if you run out of time, but that part is a good way to build the muscle memory for what you learn.


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Spend as much time as you need to understand the material.

This is going to depend a lot on your personal experience and skill.

No general guideline is possible to apply to all students.

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