NLP C1_W3 subtitle errata

I noticed some mistranscriptions in the transcript (subtitles, captions) for the course videos. Below is the errata for the 3rd week. I’ll post the errata for the other weeks in those groups.

The format for the errata is as follows. The approximate time is in braces, then the mistranscribed word or phrase follows, followed by a hyphen, then followed by the correct word or phrase. Like this:

[time] mistranscribed word or phrase - correct word or phrase

video - vector space models
[0:04] base - Bayes

video - euclidean distance
[0:27] corporate - corpora

video- visualization and pca
[0:48] higher than to - higher than two
[0:52] sitting in town - city and town
[2:40] any lower - in a lower
[2:51] one correlated - uncorrelated

video - pca algorithm
[0:30] vectra - vector
[0:49] that’s NPCA - that in PCA
[0:57] You give - They give
[1:21] then medical variance - then get the covariance
[2:04] dust products - dot products
[2:07] and columns - n columns
[2:58] It does products - The dot products
[3:11] BCA - PCA

video - week conclusion
[0:12] causing similarity - cosine similarity
[0:16] causing similarity - cosine similarity
[0:44] programming to sign - programming assignment

Hi @Thomas_A_W,

Thank you for carefully going through the content and reporting all these mistakes. I appreciate the time you have spent in doing this. These have been noted and will be fixed soon.


Thanks again, these have been implemented.