No assignment grade returned

My code passes all the tests. Now I’ve submitted three times or more in the last hour. But the “My submissions” tab entries don’t update. I’ve checked my internet connections and it seems ok.

Any advice?

Hi, Brendon.

Kindly close the browser after saving your work. Open/Launch the notebook in a new browser—> run the cells again from the beginning through shift+enter key—> save the work and submit. Hope, this resolves the issue.

If that doesn’t work, please check this brilliant link to find the possible solutions.

Hi Rashmi, thanks for response. The Jupyter notebook won’t open for me so I can’t use Shift-Enter. I’ve cleared my browser cache, rebooted the computer and opened the page again. I’ve even opened the page on a different, new (Linux) laptop (16GB RAM) after closing it on my desktop (8GB RAM). Firefox just consumes more and more memory and still the page does not appear.

I’ve gone through the link carefully, but it doesn’t help me because my assignment notebook refuses to load when I click “Work in browser”. I can see the menu at the top but nothing of the notebook itself.

The problem started about two hours ago with the notebook slowing right down. Now the assignment is completely inaccessible. I’ve checked other websites nationally and internationally. I’ve run a Speedtest. The problem seems to be on the Coursera / Deeplearning sites.

Please escalate this issue. I have completed the assignment and now face being penalised for a system failure.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

Alright, Brendon.

Hi, @Mubsi, could you please look into this issue. Thanks!

Hey @Brendon_Wolff-Piggot,
By any chance, did your subscription expire during the course of you doing the assignment? If not, then please contact Coursera’s Learner Support, and they will resolve this issue for you.


Hi there Elemento - no, I’m paid up until in September

In that case, please contact Coursera’s Learner Support as aforementioned.


Hi @Brendon_Wolff-Piggot,

Can you direct message me the details:

  • Which course?
  • Which week’s assignment?
  • The name of the assignment?
  • And your email address which you use on Coursera


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