RateLimitError | Build Your Own Database Agent

I just started the course “Build Your Own Database Agent,” and I am running the lab on the course platform. I got the following “error - RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘exceeded quota for this month’}}”

How do I increase the quota? Thanks

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I changed “AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT” with my OpenAI API, but it still did not work. What changes do I have to make to the code in order to use my own OpenAI API?

refer this


@Deepti_Prasad Thank you for the response. Got plenty of funds in my OpenAI account, and I’m not even close to reaching my max limit.


Does openai api keys from azure would work in the course provided api keys??

Yes, they should @Deepti_Prasad. But for that you need to import OpenAI using Azure.

@Mubsi Are you referring to “from langchain_openai import AzureChatOpenAI” ?

even if he is running the codes in course provided environment??

you are running codes locally??

then why did you share a course environment screenshot?

what error you get when you run in local colab? shared screenshot of that.

@Deepti_Prasad I am running the lab on the course platform (the screenshot I sent previously.)

Yes, @Deepti_Prasad. But the screenshot Jackie shared, I assumed they meant to run things outside of the platform.

Though running with Azure in the platform would mean for first the Azure library to be installed in the platform.

Hi @JackieBiz,

We don’t support issues regarding running of notebooks outside of the platform. We encourage learners to figure those things out on their own.

No, I meant the Azure library itself.

Usually when you use a service (OpenAI or Azure etc), they provide with code examples of how their API can be used In code. Look for those documentation to help you figure things out.

he states he encountered ratelimit error on the course environment platform

@Mubsi I am not running it outside of the platform. I am running it on the course environment platform. Please see the screenshot sent previously.


try using a different email address to access the course codes as these ratelimit error are basically each account assigned with number of time using the api keys for a month cycle, you can reuse it next month, although having amount in your openai account should allow you to access codes but it is probably relative to the course you assigned usuage.

@Deepti_Prasad @Mubsi so I cannot use my own OpenAI API?

even in your own api key, I think there is quota limit per month cycle, to be utilised, you can use but next month.

@Deepti_Prasad @Mubsi I really do not want to wait an entire month to practice. Is there another alternative? Can I buy tokens from you guys? Maybe give us an upgrade option for a paid service for the short courses?

i am not from staff @JackieBiz

@Mubsi will be the right one to respond in this query.