Two problems with C2W3: Grading fail and Exercise 5


I’m encountering two problems with C2W3.

  1. When I submit for grading, I’m getting 0/120, even though the outputs for Exercises 1-4 match the expected output. I’ve tried resetting the assignment, as suggested by other posts, but that hasn’t helped. Any ideas?

  2. In Exercise 5, CoverType is not changing to a categorical data. Here is the line of code that is supposed to do this. The max/min change is reflected, but not the domain. What am I missing?

[code removed - moderator]

Thank you.

I’ve solved Problem 1. Exercise 12 was failing, which resulted in all of the grading failing. I’m now getting some feedback, so that’s helpful.

display_schema is useful but doesn’t provide information about categorical nature of the column. To confirm that your schema update did the intended task
print(tfdv.get_domain(schema, 'Cover_Type').is_categorical) should print True