Unable to download C1_W1_Assignment Week 1 Lab for AI for Medical Diagnosis

Whenever I go to File > Download as > Notebook (.ipynb)
I get a 500 : Internal Server Error

Is anyone else experiencing this?
Is there another way to download this data as a Notebook?


I was able to download a notebook from a different course, so it’s not a widespread server issue. Might be specific to that course (I’m not a mentor for it, so I cannot say for sure).

Most of the Coursera labs have a “Lab Files” tool in the upper right corner, it lets you “Download all files” as a zip package. It might (or might not) work in this case.


Hi @littlebird, thanks for raising this issue. I got the same error. I will raise and issue; hopefully it gets resolved soon. In the meantime, you should be able to work on the assignment online.


Ty for taking a look!

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Hello @littlebird

Kindly try the below

  1. Clear your browser and cache history.
  2. Log out of Coursera
  3. Re-login in Coursera.
  4. Open the assignment page.
  5. Then after running your assignments in case if you need to submit.
  6. Otherwise on the top right corner before Help, your will find Lab Files. Click lab files.
  7. Then you will notice on right side, Download all files.

You should be able to resolve this issue, if your internet/network settings are perfectly fine.

Kindly let me know if this issue still persist.
